Friday, April 30 @ 8:57 AM
While walking into work this morning with my goose, I was *so* tempted to honk at the Canada Goose that has claimed part of our parking lot as his own personal oasis.
So tempted.
i've been goosed
Thursday, April 29 @ 5:40 PM
Seasonal duck now has a work counterpart: not-so-seasonal goose.
Every person in my company has one of these. And it honks. Imagine several hundred people getting these all at once and you'll have a pretty good idea of what it was like for fifteen minutes or so this afternoon.
addicted to tea
@ 9:01 AM
After an almost daily does of Tim Horton's tea during the Roll up the Rim to Win contest, my body now expects it every morning. I might even say it craves it. At first it plays along, patiently waiting while I actually work, sending the occasional tic to remind me that it is still there, but by about 9:30 it realizes that I am trying to outsmart it (silly me) and it starts getting a little fussy, demanding satisfaction for the addiction. And as weak as I am, I keep feeding it, even though I know I should be stronger and should stand up for my non-tea drinking rights1.
It's almost as bad as movie popcorn.
1Little does it know, I've actually been feeding it decafinated tea. ;)
back to the drawing board
Wednesday, April 28 @ 6:25 PM
When attempting to work from home, it is imperative that you bring home the papers you need to work.
Mother Nature is a slacker
Tuesday, April 27 @ 6:40 AM
It is on mornings like this, when I wake up to find big fat snowflakes gently making their way to the ground, that I wonder if Spring will ever come or if Mother Nature is stuck in a rut, too lazy to flip the switch between Winter and Spring.
birds, bees ... and toads
Monday, April 19 @ 6:09 PM
Methinks it is mating season for the frogs/toads1 here in the wilds of Waterloo. Last night, they seranaded me as I drifted off to sleep. Today on my way home I passed a writhing mass in the water that turned out to be at least two of the creatures and all around in the water I could see their little heads and hear their songs.
Love (or at least lust) is in the air.
1 I admit, I can't tell the difference between toads and frogs. It's like alligators and crocodiles; I know there is a difference, it just doesn't stick in my head.
monday morning
@ 7:20 AM
The problem with taking pills when you first get up is that five minutes later, when you are in the shower and actually start to really wake up, you can't remember if you actually took the pills or not.
"I remember opening the container ... or was that yesterday ... no that was definitely today ... I remember reading my email ... deleting the spam ... checking for that DVD ... then I closed the window ... got in the shower ...
"But did I take the pill? ..."
still missing the starfish
Sunday, April 18 @ 9:37 PM
When the salt water tank at work so sadly disappeared, they took their time in replacing it, teasing us with rumors of something interesting, only to put up ordinary drywall in the end. A few days later they spiced up the bland wall with art from the framing place next door, complete with price in case anyone was interested in purchasing the piece. The art isn't so bad, although they could make it a bit more interesting by cycling the pieces a little more frequently. The starfish moved faster than the art.
On Thursday night or Friday morning they took down the most recent display but did not put anything else up to fill it. So someone at work filled it for them by putting up their own little sign:
Holes in Drywall
Artist: Unknown
Price: $225.00
payback for my slothfulness
Monday, April 12 @ 11:57 PM
It's ... SNOWING!!
Okay. I feel better now.
two down, thirty-six to go
Sunday, April 11 @ 7:14 PM
Somewhere in all my sloth these past three days I did manage to finish two stories: Hope and faith and Through sleet and snow and stories.
Okay, to be honest they were pretty much finished and all I did was tidy them up a little. But that's pretty ambitious for a sloth, yes?
two down, five to go
@ 4:24 PM
Some time around 3:00 yesterday I decided that this was the weekend of sloth. I've started and finished a book, watched almost an entire season of Buffy, gone outside a little, slept a lot, written a little, eaten a lot (it's apparently also the weekend of gluttony).
If only I had a few more days off ...
"I could sing of your love forever" ... but please don't
Saturday, April 10 @ 9:40 AM
I thought it was just my alarm clock waking me up this morning, so I buried my head under a pillow to sleep just a little longer ... until I realized that my alarm clock wouldn't be set for 9:30 in the morning and certainly wouldn't be set on a Saturday.
It turns out that the park area beside my apartment building is being used for a festival this morning and it comes complete with a bandstand and a Christian band. Which wouldn't be that bad (9:30 is a reasonable time to wake up I suppose), except the singers can't sing (the term "screech" comes to mind) and they have a wee bit of a feedback problem. And I can't close my windows any tighter.
So I am actually being driven from my apartment by this festival. At least it looks like a nice day outside - I was planning to go out, just not quite this early, or before I've even had a chance to get breakfast.
I should have taken my mother up on her offer yesterday to have me and the cats come for the Easter weekend. Yesterday they were cutting branches off the trees between me and the park, today there is a "concert" in the park .. what will tomorrow bring??
my cats have friends
Friday, April 2 @ 7:53 PM
Mental note to self: when you ask a friend to cat-sit for you for a few days, you should make sure he knows which apartment is yours.
the secret to winning
Thursday, April 1 @ 8:06 PM
On Monday morning, while preoccupied with other events, I tossed a Tim Horton's RRRoll up the Rim to Win cup into my trash without even checking to see if it was a winner. Later that day I thought about it and reminded myself to get it out and check it when I got home. Over the course of the next few days, as we drove by countless Tim Horton's franchises, I kept thinking "I must remember to check the cup when I get home" (The garbage had just been emptied that morning, so the cup was pretty much the only contents and was therefore a candidate for retrieval). Last night when I finally got home ... I promptly forgot to fish out the cup. This morning ... I forgot to check the cup. Tonight ... I forgot about the cup until just after my hand let go of the garbage I was tossing into the trash. Thankfully it was just a plastic wrapper and the cup was spared a gory, icky death.
And I won a donut.1
1This brings my statistics up to 2 in 20. Slightly less than the 1 in 9 average.