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Saturday, April 26 @ 2:29 PM

hopeless ]

I use to think I was a hopeless romantic; now I think I'm leaning more towards just hopeless ;)

Thursday, April 24 @ 7:25 PM

is the room getting smaller? ]

I'm very proud of myself. I just changed a burnt out headlight bulb on my car.

By myself.

I know, I know. No big deal. And it isn't really. It was super easy to do, although it was a bit of a bitch to unscrew, and I did singe my wrist just a wee bit in the process, but coming from a girl who doesn't know anything about her car, it's a pretty big step.

Next up: an oil change.


(By my mechanic ;))

Monday, April 21 @ 4:08 PM

ladies and gents we have a winner ]

Oh my word. I used "mayhaps" in a sentence with one of my co-workers and he immediately responded with "perbe".


I think I might have a new favourite word.

Thursday, April 17 @ 11:14 PM

commute ]

I'm not sure what I think of commute.

I do know that it is longer than most of the other stuff I've written lately.

@ 9:27 AM

"spring" eggs ]

Perhaps hiding easter eggs around people's desks on a thursday-that-feels-like-a-friday wasn't the best way to keep us focused on our work.

It was however rather yummy.

Wednesday, April 16 @ 2:10 PM

missin' the fishin' ]

I think if my office looked like this I would never get any work done.

But boy would it be fun.

Tuesday, April 15 @ 3:10 PM

april ... ice pellets? ]

Can someone explain to me how the high for one day can be lower than the low for the day before? Shouldn't the low-highs at least come close to matching?

Really, this crazy weather is just out of control. First came snow, snow and more snow. Being Canada, you might expect such a thing. Surprisingly, we did not. Then we finally had a lovley little warmth-wave that melted the mountainous snow piles. Then just when we thought it was all over, the ice storm came. Then the snow storm. Yesterday we were out in shorts and some people actually had their air conditioning on. Two days from now we are expecting ice again. We had people visiting our office from California last week and I think they were beginning to believe the stereotypes about snow in the summertime.

Whatever happened to April showers that bring May flowers?

Monday, April 14 @ 10:22 AM

Take California ]

Heh heh. Somehow, my email program got messed up and started moving to the beat of the CD I was listening to - which happened to be Propellerheads. Picture a dj scratching a disk, then picture your email moving like that, and you'll get an idea of why this has been the highlight of my monday morning.

Listen to Take California at Amazon to get a sense of the whole picture.

@ 7:52 AM

free cat food ]

What is it about mice that make them seem so very ... germy?

My latest two mice (two mice in two weeks - they are coming in under my kitchen cupbooards) have at least been smart enough to exit the trap after a gentle tap or two and have not required the vigorous shaking that the first mouse did.

Sunday, April 13 @ 1:48 PM


Being the mature, twenty-something young adults that we are, my friends and I decided to get together for a nice dinner on friday night.

At Chuck. E. Cheese.

First: Never go to a "kids" restaurant on a friday night. Entirely too many children hogging all the fun games like Skee Ball and the little basketball game. The number of knee-biters far exceeded the recommended dose.

Second: Chuck E. Cheese is like a casino for kids. No, I take that back, it is a casino for kids. With the number of bells, whistles and flashing lights that accosted our eyes as we walked through the doors, it's a wonder we weren't blinded. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that CEC has their paws deep in the casinos of Vegas. They are training them so young, they would want a piece of the real action.

It's the perfect scam. Cigarette companies aren't allowed to market to children because, well, it's illegal, but also because kiddies have such imprssionable little minds. But Chuck E. Cheese? It's "all in good fun". At least until your child has hocked his G.I. Joes and is sitting on the couch, deaf and blinded by the lure of the tickets and the crunching sound the computerized ticket-eater makes as he gobbles up your winnings and counts them for you.

Friday, April 11 @ 7:54 AM

they're just big kittens ]

When looking through the classifieds for apartments, I came across this restriction: "No tigers."

Damn. Guess that ruins my chances of becoming the crazy cat/tiger lady.

Wednesday, April 9 @ 9:26 AM

redux ]

Aparently the key to getting my posts to publish correctly was to create an entirely new blog.

With exactly the same settings as the old non-publishing blog.



[ 7.4.03 3:22 PM | what are you, crazy? ]

Note to self: Do not believe Environment Canada when they say the "Winter Storm Warning" is no longer in effect, particularily when you cannot see out the window because of the wall of white snow.

Note to self 2: Only crazy people go out to Timmy's for coffee during a "Non-Winter Storm Warning" winter storm.

Note to self 3: Next time, don't be a crazy person.


[ 2.4.03 4:00 PM | rrrrip off ]

It's hard to tell these days when someone rolls up a coffee cup lid, whether the exclamation of joy is because they won something or because they lost again. With our current winnings total at 7 in 112, some people have made a game it trying to see how long they can go without winning. So far, the largest loss is 0 for 22, which doesn't quite fit the 1 in 9 average given for the contest.

[ 7:53 AM | ch-ch-ch-changes ]

It seems that someone else is missing the salt water fishtank inhabitants just as much as we are: the tank is now filled with pictures someone printed out (colour no less!) and hung from the cover over the tank. They even printed out a starfish.

The rumour is that we aren't getting any of the fish back. After more than two months, I'm inclined to think that it's more than just a rumour. There has been some whispering that we might get other entertainment (lizards perhaps?) to fille the tank, and other rumours that the space will just get filled with plants.

I personally would love to see some iguanas or chameleons in there, but I think the chances of that are slim. Plants just don't have personality.


[ 1.4.2003 12:45 PM | winter drivers all over again ]

Even though winter "ended" only a little more than a week ago, it seems that people have already forgotten how to drive with snow on the ground.

And we're not talking about a lot of snow here.


[ 31.3.03 7:11 PM | the end of an era ]

Alas, poor sheeple!

The university has finally cut off his webpage, only eight months after graduation.

They sent me emails threatening to cut off my undergrad account, and I rejoiced! But alas, it remains. And fills my inbox with junk mail. I suppose I could just get my email program to stop checking that account, but it is much more interesting to wait and see how much longer they keep the account going after its "expiry date". So far it's only four days, but I predict it will be at least a month longer.

Ah well, at least the annoying "You account will expire on ..." emails have stopped.

There's more where that came from (full archives)