I don’t know what it is about kids that makes them immune to the cold. It doesn’t matter if their mittens are soaked through or if they are falling over because they can’t feel their toes, they still don’t seem to feel the bite of Winter. I remember being the same as a child, but somewhere along the way my immunity wore off (maybe I missed a needed booster shot?) and now even inside I huddle under blankets on the couch or try to warm myself from the inside with hot chocolate or tea. There was a brief surge in my immunity when I started snowboarding, but it has plummeted again. So you can imagine how excited I am about venturing out in the cold except when I need to.

However, we have at least one little one who *is* excited about venturing out in the cold to find an ice slide to zoom down, again and again.


And again. And again.


And even when she crashes into the snow and has snow on her face and covering her head to toe …


… I still had to work to convince her it was time to go home.