Archive for January, 2014

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I’m grateful that Charles gets my humour. It’s not every day that I send a picture of a brandy bean to him, but it’s nice when I can make him laugh and not just make myself laugh. 🙂


Today I was grateful for the sun. I don’t hate Winter, but I’m not a huge fan of the dreary days that accompany the cold weather. So when the sun shines off the snow, I’m happy. Even if it only shines for half the day.

*Well, it only took 8 days before I missed a post. I had it all ready to go on time, but then our youngest started puking and my evening was thrown off and it didn’t get published quite on time. 


Today was an “Inclement Weather Day” for Abby (back in the olden days of my childhood, better known as a Snow Day) so we had friends over in the morning, and then we put on silly hats and rocked out in the afternoon. In this picture, Abby is belting out “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus.

I’m so grateful for silly hats. 🙂


Yesterday I was grateful for the snow, today I was grateful for the people who actually shovelled their snow. Definitely got my workout walking today!


Today I’m grateful for the snow. And for good friends who unexpectedly invite us for dinner when their guests cancel because of the snow (our fridge is looking pretty empty!)


I’m grateful to have a husband who, after taking down the Christmas lights and packing up the cords for our outdoor decorations earlier in the day, will go out in the dark and plug in our flamingo again, not because I asked, but because he knew it would make me happy. 🙂

IMG_00000213I’m grateful that we instilled a love of reading in the girls, even if it means my throat sometimes goes dry and I’m endlessly picking up books.


I’m grateful that they are confident enough to just wear what makes them happy.


I’m grateful for moments like this where the two of them sit together so nicely … I always know it is fleeting (but hope it will be less fleeting in the future!)

*I decided to try the 365grateful project this year. I’ve meant to do a similar “365” project the last few years, but for one reason or another never got started. So here we go – first day of the year and I’m off to a decent start!