Fri 7 Oct 2011
Dear Baby
Tags: motherhood | 1 Comment
Today, I stripped wallpaper off a wall. That is how impatient I am waiting for you.
Sure, you aren’t due for another week, but I had it in my head that you were coming this week and that’s not looking very likely from where I am sitting. I can’t tell if you are just being stubborn – you squirm often enough that I would have thought you would want out of your cramped quarters sooner rather than later – or if you just aren’t ready to make your entrance yet. Perhaps you are a perfectionist like me and want to make sure everything is ready for your arrival. So let me assure you that it is: the car seat is installed, the bassinet is waiting for you, your diapers are prepped, and your big sister keeps asking if you have come out yet. She even has a pair of shoes picked out for you to wear when you arrive (they’re pink, just to warn you. This may make for interesting photos if you turn out to be a boy – not that boys can’t wear pink).
Or maybe you were just waiting for me to sit down and relax since I was still rushing around earlier in the week, trying to cross everything off my four to-do lists before you came (yes, I had four lists. You’ll learn that I’m a list maker). So today I took a two hour nap, read a book, and aside from the brief foray into home decorating/undecorating, I’ve been taking it easy. And yet, no signs of you.
If you are hung up on the idea of me being fully rested before you come, you might have a long wait – did I mention that you have an older sister, two crazy cats and two insane pugs?
So, on that note, please don’t wait too much longer: the longer you wait, the bigger you are going to get. Your dad has already guessed that you are going to be 10lbs, 2oz and, as much as I am aware that you are not going to be a wee baby (your sister was 9lbs, 8oz) 10lbs just won’t do.
All my love,
Dear Baby,
I’m impatiently waiting for you too. It’s not very nice to vex your Momma this early. Please arrive. We’re excited to meet you.