While you, my few readers and friends/family, are probably aware that Abby wears cloth diapers, there are two facts that most people who know us are not aware of. I figured it was time to fess up.

1. We wash Abby’s diapers ourselves.

True, we started out with a diaper service, which was perfect during those first few sleepless weeks. But, as the weeks went along and Abby grew longer, the diaper sizes did not – go longer, that is. They went wider, and when she was about five months old, they started leaking out on an almost daily basis. Investigating our options with the diaper service led us to two choices: go up another size (which would have added width as well, something we already had a bit too much extra of in the size she was in), or switch to the much thicker “overnight” diapers as they were touted to be longer.

In the end, we went for the thicker diapers but soon discovered that the promised length was marginal at best. So we still had a leaky-diapered five-month old, whose butt was now too bit to fit into pants intended for twelve-month olds. Not the outcome we were hoping for.

So, I started doing some reading. I already knew that there were alot of options out there for diapers, so I was pretty sure we could find something that would work for Abby. I was more concerned with figuring out the other little details: What was it really like to wash your own diapers? How often did you have to wash them? How did you deal with … you know … the poop?

Thankfully, there are quite a few people willing to share their experiences on the first two. And there are alot of things out there to help out with the last. Like biodegradable diaper liners that you just have to flip into and flush down the toilet. A win-win situation!

So, with that figured out, we moved onto the next task: which of the many diapers available would work best? And that’s where confession #2 comes in …

2. I actually prefer prefolds.

This one came as a bit of a surprise even to me. With the multitude of cloth diapers available (and there is a multitude!) we ended up at the plain, and some would say “old fashioned”, rectangles. We do have a few of the others that look a bit snazzier, but since any cloth diaper uses a cover and therefore is only visible while being changed, we went by form alone and the “boring” prefolds ended up being the slimest (and most versatile) diaper I found.

It’s been a two-month adventure with cloth diapering to match our seven month adventure with babying.