In an attempt to inject some fun into my life (some days I think I’m getting … old), I’ve decided to take some “fun” courses at our local college.

They fall roughly into three categories, with a few odd ones that can’t be classified:

Food: Although there are numerous cooking courses that sound scrumptious, since none of them mention whether they involve meat (and I suspect that they do), right now I am waffling between cheesecakes and truffles. Cheesecake is good, nice and creamy, very decadent, but truffles have that “chocolate” edge that seems to draw me to it. I have a feeling I might just take them both.

Writing: Since my muse seems to have left me (another thing in the long line of things I am currently blaming on my apartment), I was thinking that perhaps a writing course might give me the kick in the pants that I need. Unfortunately the writing course that I was interested in taking last term is not actually offered this term, so I am left feeling as if I have to “compromise” and take another one. Plus, some mention something along the lines of a “weekly assignment”, which, given my current lack of ideas, might prove to be more of a deterant than a stimulant. But time may tell …

“Crafts”: I’ve always liked the creative end of things. The problem with these is that they don’t show you a picture of what it’s going to look like in the end, and since I tend to lean away from the countrified look that goes along with many make-it-yourself kind of things, I’m reluctant to spend money on something that I may hate in the end.

The miscellanous ones include first aid for pets, belly dancing, and clutter control. Ever since I started thinking of moving, I’ve started thinking of moving all my crap and have realized it would be better to banish it all before I move so that I can actually accomplish the transition in a day. Of course, hiring movers to move the big stuff will help out too 🙂