Mon 1 Dec 2003
I need more walls
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So … I bought another painting last night at the art auction.
And this morning as I admired at my painting, I realized that my mother was coming over and I didn’t want her to know about the art auction or the painting because every time I do she says “I guess you should stop going to art auctions so you don’t buy any more paintings” and .. well, I don’t want to stop. So since I haven’t gotten around to putting any of my other paintings up yet (a.k.a I haven’t “unpacked” yet*) I thought I could hide the new painting among the older ones and my mother would be none-the-wiser, and I wouldn’t have to lie to her, which despite my penchant for fibbing, I don’t actually like doing to people I know.
So it all seemed good, my mother arrived, we chatted, she admired my red walls and I successfully avoided the real reason why I slept in until noon (We didn’t get back from the auction until 2:30). I left my mother alone for thirty seconds in my living room so I could brush my teeth and returned to find her leafing through the paintings. In a matter of seconds she found the new one and pulled it out. At which point I knew I was busted, so through a mouthful of toothpaste I told her about the auction and the painting and how my friends had put a request on it for me (yay friends!) and how it was now mine and how I loved it.
And her response was ..
“I guess you should stop going to art auctions so you don’t buy any more paintings.”
*It amuses me greatly that Brad, who moved into his new place only three weeks ago, actually is completely unpacked, with pictures up and everything, while I, who moved into my “new” place five months ago only got my shelves put up a week ago and have hung less than 1/3 of my pictures. At least he practices what he preaches.
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