Archive for December, 2003

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I think somehow one of my posts got combined with someone else’s post when Blogger went to save it. This text was appended to the end of my post from December 23 (which I’ve now fixed):

“a fico completamente feliz, ou mesmo, não tão feliz, mas em paz.
Tenho muitos fantasmas. Fantasmas demais para uma única cabeça.
Hoje r”

Translated (from Portugese to English, using Babelfish):

“it I am completely happy, or same, not so happy, but in peace. I have many ghosts. Ghosts excessively for an only head. Today r”

So … how long is it socially acceptable to keep a Christmas tree after Christmas?

My tree seems to have survived while I was away for Christmas, but part of me feels that I cannot get rid of it quite yet. After all, it’s still all green and festive and it seems like a shame to just yank it out of it’s watery home and throw it on the street corner to wither and die. True, technically it’s probably dead right now, given it’s “cut” state, but until it starts to turn brown and drop it’s needles, it almost seems like it is still alive.

Which is funny considering I can barely keep my potted plants alive.

Who on earth (well, in Waterloo) did the Canadian Oxford Dictionary ask to get the response Waterlunatics to the question of how the community refers to its residents.

This town obviously has one too many geeks.

Merry Christmas!

Santa has so far brought me three cats tearing around the house and about four hours sleep 😉

We’ll see in a few hours if my family can top that.

Sometimes, some days, some people make it very hard to stay in the Christmas spirit.

And I was doing so well this year.*

*aside from the little set-back I had at the very beginning of the month.

This reminded me very much of a sketch in a Christmas play I saw my co-worker in last year: Shop till you drop … your pants.

If you are a fan of Buffy and Lord of the Rings, take a look at Once More with Hobbits, “A Lord of the Rings / Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adventure.”

I was originally sent this link Friday afternoon, and was singing the songs the rest of the day.

Well, lookie here, it seems that Telus is actually seeking out Fido customers in particular to get them to switch.

I have decided that at some point I simply *must* get a small digital camera that will fit in my purse, much like the long-lost camera that served me so well (except that it wasn’t digital).

Are you familiar with the Telus commercials with the pigs? Well, the local Telus store here actually has little live piggies in their store, digging in the hay and looking all cute. And you can even get your picture taken with the porkers. Alas, we could not as we were already late coming back from lunch and had a meeting to go to. All I really wanted was a picture of the pigs, not necessarily me and the pigs.

On a side note, I wonder if that store is the “local Telus retailer” who left me a voicemail message?

I didn’t really think I was one of those people: the kind who buy tickets for the opening night of a major blockbuster movie, who stand in line three hours before the movie starts, just to get good seats, the kind who withstand back pain and foot cramps and general discomfort for those three hours because the movie theatres won’t let you sit on the floor, even inside the little fabric barriers, for fear of you becoming a “fire hazard”, whatever that means (they never elaborate), the kind who maybe would have been willing to wait those three hours in the cold winter weather (and who almost was forced to wait in the cold winter weather because the movie theatres don’t have any kind of real way of dealing with large crowds of people and almost kicked out-nice customer service there-because originally they thought that was easier than putting up the little fabric barrier).

But the Return of the King was worth it.

At first when the big battle scene started, I thought it wasn’t really anything more spectacular than the battle at Helm’s Deep, but then the battle really begun and it was. And they cut some scenes that I didn’t think they should have, and a few went on a little longer than I would have wanted them to, but I can’t say I was disappointed.

It was six hours of time well spent. Which really isn’t that crazy when you think about the fourteen hours one of the ushers spent on Tuesday waiting for and watching all three movies in the theatre.