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Bridezilla, or just your average stressed-out bride?

Sunday, March 30 @ 8:19 AM

My wedding is 160 days away. I know this:

a) because I have signed up for a few wedding websites so that I get the free planning tools, and they prominently display this dwindling number every time that I log in.

b) because I can't seem to sleep in to a decent hour these days and instead lie in bed thinking of seating plans, colour schemes, and wedding dresses (no, I don't have my dress yet. Yes, that stresses me out).

I asked Charles yesterday if I was turning into a Bridezilla. He said just a bit. But since I don't always quite know when he is kidding, I had to ask him again whether he *really* thought I was turning into one. His silence confirmed his thoughts.

I thought that hiring a wedding planner would make me stress out less, but so far it has just let me stress about different things.


Previously (A for effort?)

There's more where that came from (full archives)