As long as it makes me better, I don't care
Thursday, March 23 @ 2:35 PM
The problem with taking German cough drops is that I can't read German. So while on English packaging I could easily read whether or not taking the whole package* in one day is a bad idea, with my Em-eukals, I can't.
But surely, taking the whole package in one day can't possibly be a bad thing, can it?
*Technically, I haven't actually used the whole package yet, as I still have three sitting on my desk. But I have a funny habit of making things disappear without even knowing it, so I predict that their hours are numbered.
can't destroy things twenty-four hours a day
Saturday, March 4 @ 5:16 PM
A few months ago I attended a seminar at work about "Igniting Your Life" sponsored by North Star Coaches which made me realize that I really missed writing. With work, social activities, and sports, I hadn't put aside any time for writing and so it had ceased to be a priority and had simply ... ceased. I was determined to start again and set a goal of the end of December to finish a story.
I did actually make it, I just never cross-posted here ;)
So if anyone is actually interested, there are two new stories over at caughtinalie: last(ing) impressions and the key to her heart.
I can't say how frequently I will finish stories (the home renovations still haven't ended), but considering that there are forty-nine sitting in an unfinished state on my compter, hopefully I can find the time to complete at least a few. As my mother commented today "You have a long way to go before you'll have a third book, don't you."
Yes, yes I do.