that "personal" touch
Tuesday, February 7 @ 6:05 PM
If anyone were to take a close look at the new/old ceiling fan in my dining room, they would seriously wonder what went on in this house.
It all started with the less than attractive, brass and wood-look ceiling fan that came with my house. Functional, but not my style. I had a clear idea of the lighting that I wanted for the house and shortly after taking possesion of my house I purchased and installed said lighting. In fact, I replaced every light on the main floor of my house (except the bathroom light) and while most of the replaced lights quickly made their way into the garage sale box, the light from the dining room was relegated to a special corner in the basement. The "when I sell the house" corner. Not that I had any immediate plans for selling the house, it was just that I *really* liked the light I bought for the dining room so much that I wanted to be able to take it with me when I moved without shelling out tons of money to replace it. And you can't just leave an empty hole in the ceiling where the light use to be, you know?
So instead the ceiling fan has sat in the basement, gathering dust. Until now. The problem is, it was still a less than attractive fan and some might say that a hole in the ceiling might actually look nicer than this fan. But, as I said, a hole does not sell a house, so I set out to make the fan a little more attractive. With a little spray paint the brass became silver and the "wood" became black and even though it was in peices so that it could be painted, it still looked significantly better than it had before.
This evening I went to put all the peices together and noticed that the cats had added their own special touch to the fan blades - little footprints. I can't keep them off anything it seems.