get with the times
Wednesday, January 28 @ 7:38 AM
How long ago was OS X released? Almost three years? So why is it that software companies, especially a company like Adobe, who advertises that it "got its start on the Macintosh computer", cannot manage to release software that runs in OS X, not OS 9 masquerading as OS X!
Friday, January 23 @ 6:04 PM
Well, since it required almost no effort on my part, and having a site feed seems like the bandwagon to jump on these days, here you go: mayhaps is now edible.
@ 7:29 AM
Last night was the first time in a while that I had stayed up really late on a worknight to finish a story. I've been pushing myself the last week or so to finish a story and had been struggling to make the words into what I wanted.
So I switched stories.
I think I like Nicola. I know I like parts of Nicola. I'm not sure I like where I ended it but I always have more trouble with the endings that with anything else, so I suppose it's all par for the game.
damn reliance on vehicles
Wednesday, January 21 @ 7:08 PM
So much for those promised rate cuts in auto insurance: my insurance just went up 38%. This on a ten-year old car, for a female driver over 25, with no tickets, zero accidents, and who walks to work every day.
I'm not sure if I should be happy that I have a good driving record and that it didn't go up more, or sad that I don't deserve a 38% increase.
Thankfully, my car insurance was not extravagant, so although it is a monstrous increase when you consider the percentage, it doesn't have a disastrous impact on my bank balance.
google, blog, mcjob ...
@ 8:59 AM
The English language makes it far too easy to make up words*.
I don't know if it is because developers sometimes stick "developer-speak" or "pseudo-English" into the documents they write without realizing it, or because English is a second language for some of these people so they don't have a "perfect" grasp of what is a complicated language, or if it is a sign that perhaps our education system is failing us since we aren't taught grammar until we are half-way through high-school, and some teachers can't (or choose not to) actually deduct marks for spelling or grammar mistakes in assignments.
The funny thing is, I think our culture is so use to new words being introduced that our minds have learned to accept these words and read them in context to understand the meaning. Sort of like the idea that the only letters that have to be in the correct position in a word are the first and last and we can still understand the meaning.
* This coming from someone who uses the word mayhaps.
the real ringmaster
Thursday, January 15 @ 7:39 PM
As I was saying ...
no more than eights weeks, my ass
@ 5:42 PM
Today, I received in the mail an appraisal for the painting I bought at the auction.
No, not the auction I went to in December, but the one I went to in July. Yes, apparently "eight weeks" in auction-speak really means "twenty-four weeks" (almost to the day, in fact).
I guess I can't really complain - it took them three months to charge me for the first painting. (But only a little over a month to charge me for the second).Update: I just looked at the paper more closely. It is actually a certificate of authenticity, not an appraisal, for the painting I bought ... in December. So I still have no idea what happened to the appraisal (or certificate for that matter) for the painting I bought in July. And since the only way to get them to send me "another" one is to write them a letter and send it through registered mail .. well, I just can't be bothered.
she sells poles on her website
Wednesday, January 14 @ 8:11 PM
First there was the Ah-nold workout, and now the stripper workout?
And I thought my workout instructor was just being funny when she had us do the "stripper stretch" ...
Monday, January 12 @ 9:54 AM
Sure, it probably breaks copyright rules and all of that fun stuff, and is a little one-sided, but if you are concerned about where your meat comes from (or you are not, but find the idea of "mooveus" funny), take a look at the MEATRIX.
If you don't want to watch the whole thing but are interested in the premise behind it, you can find non-factory farming meat resources in Canada and other countries on the site as well.
I figured since this was the third time I had gotten it, I might as well share it.
how do they do that?
Saturday, January 10 @ 3:24 PM
How exactly does air freeze? I haven't taken a chem class since high school, and that was a solid seven or so years ago, but it seems to me that air should not be able to freeze.
And yet it must, since I had to visit six* different gas stations today before I found one that had a pump that was not frozen. I admit, I actually could have gotten air at the third one, but the line for the pump was already three cars long, with one car looking like it was riding right on its rims, the one tire was so flat, so I naive continued on my way thinking that there just had to be another station that had a working pump. And I did eventually find one, but I think even that one was half-frozen since the air was being pumped at an excruciatingly slow rate.
My tires only leak in the winter (something to do with a bad rim design), but when they leak they leak well.
*I actually visited eight, but only six had air pumps.
mad fish disease?
Friday, January 9 @ 7:24 AM
Just when you thought it was safe to be quasi-vegetarian, comes this report warning about high toxin levels in farmed salmon. (It seems that salmon are higher in the fish food chain, so they absorbs the toxins in the other fish they eat.)
I guess it could be worse: they could be eating mad cows.
oooooh ... pretty
Thursday, January 8 @ 6:11 PM
At first I was convinced that I had gotten scammed, and that the pop machine had given me a fake quarter in amongst my change. In fact, even after careful deliberation among my co-workers, we still weren't convinced that what we were holding was a real Canadian quarter. Because Canadian quarters, even special "Millenium" quarters, do not look like this.
Of course, it would have been cooler if I had gotten one of these. Not more believable, just cooler.
can cats be vegetarians?
@ 10:54 AM
People often ask me, since I am almost vegetarian, whether I will give my children meat, or whether I will raise them as quasi-vegetarians from the start.*
And although I think I am quite a bit away from having ankle-biters of my own, these days I'm beginning to wonder whether I should be raising my cats as vegetarians.
*FYI, the answer is, unless my husband has stronger feelings than me, I wouldn't force them to be vegetarians.
Everyone's getting in on the act
Wednesday, January 7 @ 7:34 AM
Nerve, that saucy magazine with the naughty pictures is looking for people to blog about their dating experiences.seasonal duck
Thursday, January 1 @ 7:20 PM
This is Seasonal Duck, an admittedly tacky decoration that was purchased at a garage sale a while back for no more than a dollar or two at most. But although he is somewhat tacky (and shedding almost as much as my Christmas tree is these days) he remains a part of my apartment. As you may have guessed from the name, his outfit changes with the season. When I bought him, he came with a Christmas ribbon, pinecone and jingle bell, which he has again worn for this holiday season.Until last night.
Last night, Seasonal Duck was gifted with a knitted hat, scarf and mittens.
I don't know which is my favourite part of the outfit-the hat with its little ear flaps and tie down strings, or the mittens (even though Seasonal Duck has no hands, the outfit would not be complete without the mittens) with the dummy string used to keep kiddies from losing theirs.