The house

Here is a glimpse of a few of the changes the house underwent while in my possession. Sadly, I owned and lived in this house for just over a year and a half, and yet most of the changes weren't completed until about four to six months before I moved.

The living room

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the carpet in this room as that was the first thing I ripped up after getting the keys to the house. So the "before" picture really serves only to illustrate the wallpaper that I had to take down before the room could be painted. And I guess it illustrates how I can never make up my mind how I want to arrange furniture in a room. ;) One of the things I really liked about this house (besides the hardwood floors in most rooms and the large amount of natural light) was the detailed ceiling in the living room (most visible in the before picture).

Living Room - BeforeLiving Room - After

The dining room

The carpet in the dining room was the second thing that I ripped up, so again, no picture of the carpet. But you can see the lovely flooring that was under the carpet :) The light in the before picture is actually the light that I put up when I first moved in. I swapped it out with the original light (the one you see in the after picture) when I put the house up for sale. When I first looked at the house I thought that this room was also wallpapered. It was not.

Dining Room - BeforeDSC00258.JPG

The kitchen

Although they may look similar, the floor that you see in the before picture is not the floor that you see in the after picture. Nope, that would have been too easy. Instead, I ripped up the linoleum in the kitchen, ripped up the yellow and white tile that was below that (see tile in dining room before picture) and we put down a new subfloor and floor in the kitchen. My father also built the cabinet that you see between the stove and fridge. A new countertop, backsplash, sink and faucet rounded out the changes to the kitchen. Oh, and a complete sanding and four coats of paint on the cabinets. This room was probably the most time-consuming project.


The bathroom

The only things that remained in the bathroom were the flooring and the light above the medicine cabinet. The green tile extended all the way into the bathtub, and the bathtub was in the same shade of pink as the toilet and sink. Missing from the before picture is the green and pink striped wallpaper which actually came down accidentally one day but wasn't going to be staying anyway. Popping those green tiles off the wall was so incredibly satisfying.

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The bedrooms

The bedrooms pretty much just underwent a new coat of paint, with the exception of the computer room (the first picture) which had to be "de-wallpapered" before the paint could go up.

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